South African Stamps
South Africa is one of the countries which first emitted stamps on the continent. Take a look at “most wants stamps”

SA stamps



The beauty and diversity of South Africa’s landscapes is also reflected on stamps. It concerns both fauna and flora but also people and heritage is proudly reflected in our national symbols. These symbols include melodious national anthem, colorful flag and distinctive coat of arms, to the graceful springbok, the blue crane, the magnificent king protea, and galjoen.

The floral national symbol is protea.

Sauth Africa floral stampProtea Sauth Africa floral Symbol

You can of course enjoy the beauty of and diversity of SA floral kingdom in many various ways. You can collect the stamps or you can visit South Africa. We were in Cape Town and walked from there to Cape of Good Hope. We were lucky to have this 4 day trek with Chris Smith enthusiast about Table Mountain guide fauna and and flora.

We came to Cape Town and Chris was so kind and welcomed us at the airport. On the way to our hotel we dis some shopping and next day we went together for one of the best treks we had.

We had a great experience.

Interested? Try to contact him and you will enjoy.